...Ryan, Tommy and I (and Jacob-still-in-my-tummy) were in Hawaii.
Warm, lovely, beautiful Oahu. A whole week of it.
We were there for a Christmas celebration with Ryan's family. It was a fantastic week and particularly glorious to escape the bitter cold of Utah.
I'll never forget how our car got stuck in the snow just minutes after we left our house, headed for the airport. We were already running late, of course. We had to make a stop at our mailbox (the kind with little lock-boxes for everyone in the subdivision), and despite the large snowdrift surrounding it, I requested Ryan drive up as close as he could so I could just roll down the window and slip our mail quickly into the "outgoing" slot. When we went to drive away, our Jeep (a Jeep!) slid and squealed but didn't budge, no matter what we did. Ryan had to push us out. He had dressed to walk off the plane into Hawaiian weather, so while I stomped on the gas pedal he stood ankle deep in the snow, pushing, wearing his shorts and leather sandals. His feet were numb when he finally got us out and climbed back in the car.
Utah's Winter seemed determined to hold onto us.
I remember when our plane finally lifted off the runway in Salt Lake City, I looked out over the snowy, mountainous landscape and thought how different my view would be in a few hours. Beaches, palm trees, warm, balmy breezes!
The 14 of us stayed in a lovely house in a quiet residential neighborhood in the small town of Ka'a'wa, only a 2 minute walk from a gorgeous beach. It was 15 minutes to Laie (home to BYU-Hawaii) and 30 minutes to Honolulu/Waikiki. It was the perfect way to experience Hawaii, and it was definitely a tempting taste of what it would be like to live there.
And boy, does my husband want to live there.
If I agreed to move there he would put our house up for sale tomorrow I bet.
'Cause, you see...he hates winter.
He hates it and he's always hated it and it gets worse every year...this year he's been threatening to move us away from Utah forever.
So we're off to St. George this weekend. Its not Hawaii, but we hope to find a little sunshine!
hahahaha I loved reading your little story !! What a funny memory to tell the kids someday !! I also love Hawaii, I went in January of 2006, I would love to go back someday.
If Ryan could handle the summers here I would be the Head of the committee to get the Laidlaw's to move to Arizona. I would do fundraisers & telethons & whatever else I could think of to get my Darci nearby! Also, I am REALLY jealous that you went to Hawaii last year! I told Mark I want to go this year for my *whispers* 30th *normal voice* birthday. It sounds like you had an amazing trip. I also LOVE the pictures of your little family that you posted previously from Hawaii. You're beautiful!!!
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