Thursday, October 2, 2008

Bloggin' For a Year!

Today marks the first birthday/anniversary of my blog! This is the most successful attempt I've made at any form of journaling since I was in elementary school! (One year for Christmas I got a little pink journal as a gift, and it was pre-dated for each day of the year...I did actually write in it each and every night before going to bed! I doubt I'll ever break that record!)

Blogging has been a fun experience and really motivates me to write frequently. I'm so glad that I'll be able to look back in years to come and read about all the things we did as a young family, and about what Thomas was like as a toddler. My only wish is that I had started much earlier!


Fabiana said...

I wish that I could go back in time and see what I did too( the good stuff hahaha) That is awesome a year!I just started mine.

Karen said...

Hey you've been tagged! Check out my blog for details. =)