This is kind of old news, but on St. Patrick's day I had my third semester ultrasound, and the technician said everything looked great! She estimated at that time, when I was almost 35 weeks, that he was about 6 lbs 7 oz. I was very excited to see images of my little guy again. Ryan came and Thomas came along to the appointment for the first time. In the days leading up to the appointment and that morning I kept telling Thomas that we were going to see pictures of baby brother. He was pretty interested and watched the screen for the first minute or two of the ultrasound, but then he got distracted with all the gadgets in the exam room. I can't blame him, since he probably didn't understand what he was seeing...even I still had a bit of a hard time distinguishing details in the ultrasound without the technician's help! She got a really good view of the front of the baby's face, and he has the cutest full lips and a little nubbin chin! I hope he will have the dimple in his chin like his daddy and Thomas both do. She also got a really good image where you could actually tell that he has a whole bunch of hair! Thomas was born with a lot of hair too. If that old wives tale is true, that pregnant mothers get heartburn when their baby has a lot of hair, this baby must have tons of it, because this time around my heartburn has been killer! With Thomas it was only occasional and mild. This time it comes around all the time, out of nowhere, no matter what I eat...let me tell you, I am so tired of chomping on berry-flavored chalk, A.K.A. Tums. Bleh.
Besides the heartburn, I have to say that pretty much everything about this pregnancy has been at least somewhat easier than my first. I've gained less several appointments the doctor has said that I'm measuring slightly small, though the following appointment I'd often measure right on. At my most recent appointment he said that I was measuring small. That is so strange for me to hear...with Thomas I went to every appointment convinced that the doctor would tell me that I was gaining too much weight! I have to admit that the measuring small has gotten me a little worried, just wondering if I'm eating right or if the baby is growing okay, but my doc keeps saying he's not concerned, and said from my ultrasound that the baby was actually measuring big...he estimated he would be around 8 lbs at full term. (Thomas was 8 lbs 2 oz at 12 days early). I think I must really just be carrying differently this time. I definitely think I'm smaller at this point in my pregnancy than I was last time...I can even lie on my back (though its not a good idea and I don't prefer to) without very much pain or discomfort, which was definitely not the case with Thomas!
Other things have been easier feet and ankles have been swollen again this time around, but not nearly as bad as last was summertime during my third trimester of my first pregnancy, and the swelling was so bad it was frightening! My feet were so tight I felt like they were going to explode! So now, when someone notices my swelling and says something like "Oh, your poor feet!" I just think, "This is nothing!"
I've also been having an easier time getting around this time, hence my ability to still run around like a crazywoman. Not that I don't have aches and pains...I certainly do, and they're not fun. I definitely have the pelvic pain and I have to be careful about the way I move and how quickly I move so I don't get those sharp stabbing pains, but its not as bad as last time. With Thomas I always said it felt like the bones in my pelvis and my hips were just going to come apart....this time it just feels like a have a big bruise on my pelvis, and my upper legs are sore like I just went to the gym for the first time in forever or something! I've also been sleeping better...I haven't had nearly as many comfort issues with sleep this time around. Halleluia!
I think I can attribute the easier pregnancy and my smaller weight gain to the fact that my lifestyle is so different this first pregnancy was spent sitting at my work desk 8 hours a day and snacking constantly! This time I'm almost always moving, cleaning and running errands and chasing around a toddler all day, and I haven't been as big on the snacking all the time. So though I haven't really been going out of my way to exercise, I think exercise has just been more built-in to my life this time around. I am really looking forward to trying to *truly* exercise, losing the baby weight and becoming comfortable in my body again.
It really just blows my mind how fast this pregnancy has gone. The weeks and months have just slipped through my fingers. I have to admit I'm freaking out a little bit about how soon I will be a parent of two, and what the challenges of that will be. I especially worry about Thomas and how everything will affect him. I know he'll be a great big brother though. He's always talking about how his little brother "Will play wit' me, and talk 'a me, and read books wit' me, and watch shows wit' me," and so cute. He likes to give my tummy, or "Little Brother," lots of hugs and kisses, which I love. I also love to watch his face light up when he feels the baby moving in my tummy. I told him to talk to the baby the other day, to say "Hi Baby!" and "See you soon!" I love watching his enthusiasm. I can't wait to see him interact with his little brother in person! It won't be long now. =)
Here's a cute snapshot of my handsome little boy, who fell fast asleep on the way home on the day of the ultrasound and did not want to wake up when we got home (though it was too late to be napping but too early for bedtime). So, I laid him on the couch and let him sleep awhile. How did my first little newborn grow into this tall kid?
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