Friday, April 10, 2009

A Race Against Time

I am amazed. My second pregnancy has simply flown by, and my due date is rapidly approaching. I'm not expecting to make it to my due date...Thomas was born 12 days early, and I really think I'll be early with this one too. Its crazy to think that if this baby had arrived as early as Thomas he would already be here! I've been panicking to be honest...I still have at least a few things I really need to do before baby boy arrives, yet I feel he could be coming anytime. I was running around the house like a madwoman yesterday trying to get things done, and for some reason I was so convinced my water was going to break (though there was no real indication that would be happening).

I'm upset at myself for not being completely ready seems I've been trying for months and weeks to get my house organized and everything ready, yet here I am, still scrambling and stressed out and praying the baby gives me just a few more days before his arrival! When Thomas was born so early I was caught off house was a disaster and I was so disappointed with myself for not having everything in perfect order. I think I've just given myself way too many things to try and accomplish. I know if everything doesn't get accomplished it will be ok...just like it was with Thomas, when the world did not end!...I just wish everything could get accomplished so I could be at complete peace with my surroundings and concentrate entirely on my new baby boy after he arrives, and on his big brother as he adjusts to the change.

So, like I said, I've been running around like a crazywoman. I'm not very content to sit and put my feet up and relax lately, even though I probably should be. My mind is constantly racing with to-do lists and thoughts about what I need to do next. I think its all a result of the crazy case of "nesting" I get...its seriously so intense, it drives me nuts. It was exactly the same with Thomas. The last weeks of my pregnancy I was spending a lot of time running around then too.

Anyway...on my too-long list of Things Still To Do is to catch up on the blog! I know I probably won't be able to do that fully, but there are things I really want to write about before the baby arrives, because after that all I will probably be writing about for awhile is him! So hopefully I will be getting a bunch of new entries written that I've fallen way behind goes nothin'!

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